CHAPTER 1General Principles
Article 1In order to regulate the management of international graduate students (hereinafter referred to as "graduate students") studying in our university, maintain the normal order of education and teaching in the university, promote the internationalization process of the university, and in accordance withtheEducation Law of the People's Republic of China,Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China,Regulations for the Admission and Education of International Students in Schools(Decree No. 42 of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Public Security) andRegulations for the Management of Graduate Student Status in HebeiGEOUniversity, as well as other relevant laws and regulations of the country, following the principle of managing foreign students in a manner consistent with domestic students while taking into account the special nature of international students and in conjunction with the actual situation of our university, these regulations are formulated.
Article 2These regulations apply to international students studying at the graduate level in our university.
Article 3The general duration of study for master's degree students is 2.5 years/3 years, as specified in the discipline trainingprogram; the minimum length of study is 2 years/2.5 years, and the maximum length of study for full-time master's degree students is 5 years (includingsuspension).
For graduate students on leave for entrepreneurship, the maximum length of study can be extended by 2 years based on the above.
Article4Graduate students admitted by our university in accordance with national enrollment regulations should complete the registration procedures on time by presenting their admission notice and other relevant documents. If they are unable to enroll on time due to exceptional circumstances, they should submit relevant supporting documents to the university in advance and seek permission for leave. The duration of leave should generally not exceed two weeks. Those who do notask forleave, whose leave is not approved, or who do not report on time will be deemed to have forfeited their admission qualification unless due to force majeure or other legitimate reasons.
Article 5Newly admitted graduate students who are temporarily unable to report for duty due to illness, as confirmed by a medical diagnosis from a designated hospital in their home country, may retain their admission qualification for one year. Such students will not be registered as students during this period. If any illegal or criminal behavior occurs during this period, their admission qualification will be revoked.
Article 6Graduate students' admission qualification will be revoked if they fall into any of the following situations:
(1) Failing toregisterwithout approval from the university, and being late for more than two weeks;
(2) Failing to bring the required documents and original application materials during registration;
(3) Obtaining admission qualification through fraudulent means;
(4) Failing to pay tuition, accommodation fees, insurance fees, and other relevant fees on time;
(5) Failing the medical examination recheck;
(6) Other circumstances unsuitable for admission.
Article 7Afterregistration, graduate students must undergo a physical examination. Those who pass the examination are allowed to enroll and obtain student status. If a student is diagnosed with a disease during the examination and cannot continue studying in China according to medical advice, they are advised to return to their home country for treatment. They may retain their admission qualification for one year during this period, but will not have student status.
Article 8Registration
(1) Newly admitted graduate students should complete online registration through the China Higher Education Student Information Network and the university's online management system for international students according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and the provincial education authorities.
(2) Graduate students who have already obtained student status should pay the relevant fees before each academic year and then complete the registration process with their student ID card and passport. Those who cannot register on time should follow the procedures for deferred registration. Students who are absent without leave or whose leave is not approved will be treated as absent from class. Those who do not register on campus within two weeks will be automatically dropped from the program.
(3) After completing the registration and enrollment procedures, graduate students can apply for a residence permit.
Article 9Graduate students are required to attend all activities specified in the university's teaching plan on time and abide by the management regulations. Courses and other educational activities specified in the university's talent training plan, as well as extracurricular activities organized by the university, fall within the scope of attendance.
Article 10Graduate students should follow theRegulations for Managementofattendance for International Students Studying in Hebei GEOUniversity.
Chapter 11Graduate students should followthe Regulations for Leave and Leave Cancellation for International Students of Hebei GEO Universitywhen requesting leave.
Article 12Graduate students are required to participate in assessments of courses and various educational and teaching activities (referred to as "courses") as stipulated. Course assessments consist of examinations and evaluations. Assessment results will be recorded in the academic record anddepositedin the student's academic file.
Article 13Course assessments and grade evaluations will be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the university for managing graduate education. Students who do not pass a course assessment can take a makeup examination; if they still fail after the makeup examination, they need to retake the course. The grades obtained through makeup examinations or retaking courses will be recorded in the transcript with an indication of the makeup or retake.
If a graduate student is unable to participate in an assessment due to special reasons, they can apply for a deferred assessment. The application for deferral should be submitted by the student, approved by the course instructor, and then authorized by International Education Exchange Center.
Article 14Graduate education follows a credit system, and graduate students are required to complete the prescribed creditsaccording to the training program.
Article15Graduate students participating in innovative entrepreneurship, social practice, paper publications, obtaining patent authorization, and other experiences or achievements related to professional learning and academic requirements can convert these experiences into credits andkeepthem in their academic record. Specific methods will be stipulated separately.
Article 16Graduate students participating in course exams must strictly adhere to the rules of the examination. If a graduate student violates the rules or engages in cheating during an exam, the procedures outlined in the "Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examinations" (Decree No. 33 of the Ministry of Education) will be followed, and corresponding penalties will be imposed according to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment for Students of Hebei GEO University." If a student receives a warning, serious warning,recording of demerit, academicprobationbut has shown good academic performance, they may be given an opportunity for a makeup exam or to retake the course.
Article 17Graduate students who suspend their studies due to reasons such as withdrawal from the program will have their completed courses and earned credits retained during their time at the university. If a graduate student who has already withdrawn applies for re-enrollment within 3 years (from the date of withdrawal to the date of re-enrollment), their previously earned credits will be recognized. If more than 3 years have passed, they need to re-study and re-assess to obtain course credits.
Article 18Graduate students should participate in activities specified in thetraining programon time. If they cannot attend, they must apply for leave in advance andgetapproval. Graduate students who accumulate absences exceeding one-third of the total class hours for a specific course (including approved leave) will be ineligible to participate in the assessment for that course. Absences without approval will result in disciplinary measures, and in severe cases, according to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment for Students of Hebei GEO University" appropriate penalties will be imposed.
Article 19The university carries out integrity education for graduate students, recording information related to their academic and moral integrity, and establishing mechanisms to restrain and penalize dishonest behavior. Those who commit serious acts of dishonesty will receive corresponding disciplinary measures. Those who violate academic integrity will have limitations placed on their degree, academic title, honors, etc., in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article20After admission, graduate students can apply for a change of major with the approval of the university.
Article 21Graduate students can apply for transferring to anotheruniversityupon personal request and with the approval of both the current university and the intended university. If they meet the transfer requirements, the current university should provide comprehensive information on the student's academic performance and conduct to the intended university.
Graduate students who receive scholarships and then,in the same year,transfer to anotheruniversity must return the scholarship.
Article 22Graduate students can complete their studies in stages within the stipulated maximum study period.The duration of Suspension for graduate studentswill be counted within the university's specified study period. International postgraduates shall suspend their studies under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Those diagnosed by a designated hospital to be unfit to attend classes due to illness and who require more than 6 weeks(including 6 weeks)for treatment and recovery, and are confirmed by the college to be incapable of following the courses;
(2) Those whose accumulated leave exceeds one-third of the total class hours in an academic semester, as determined by attendance records;
(3) Others who apply forSuspensionfor special reasons or are deemed by the university to need a leave of absence.
Suspensionis calculated on a semester basis, and in general, it should not exceed 2 years in total.
Article 23Graduate students should submit an application for suspension.After being approved by the International Education Exchange Center,they shall be suspended fromthe university.
Article 24After obtaining approval forsuspension, graduate students should complete the procedures for leaving campus and changing their residence permit within one month. During the period ofsuspension, their student status will be retained, but they will not receive the benefits of being on campus, and the university will not be legally responsible for them.
Article 25During thesuspension, graduate students are generally expected to return to their home country. They are responsible for their own international travel expenses and medical expenses.
Article 26The resumption of postgraduate studies shall be handled according tothe following regulations:
(1) Those who suspend their studies due to injury or illness,need to present a diagnosis certificate from a secondary Grade A or higher hospital indicating that they have recovered. Afterpassinga medical check-up at a designated hospital recognized by the university, the students can resume their studies.
(2) Graduate students whosesuspensionperiod has ended,need to apply for resumption of studies and complete the requiredresumptionprocedures in advance. If they fail to do so within the specified period, they will be automatically withdrawn from the program.
(3) Graduate students who have committed serious violations of law during thesuspensionperiod will have their resumption qualification revoked.
(4) Graduate students applying for resumption of studies should submit their application to the International Education Exchange Center at least two months before the end of suspension. After approval, they can proceed with resuming their studies.
第八章 退 学
Article 27Graduate students falling into any of the following categories will be expelled from the university:
(1)Those whose academic performance does not meet the university's requirements or who have not completed their studies within the stipulated study period;
(2)Those whose suspension or retention of student status expires, and have not applied for resumption of studies within the stipulated period or the application forresumptionof school is unqualified afterreview;
(3)Those diagnosed by a secondary Grade A or higher hospital designated by the university as being unable to continue their studies due to illness or accidental disability;
(4) Those who have notasked forleave and have been absent from university-organized educational activities for two consecutive weeks;
(5) Those who have not registered within the university's specified period and have not completed the deferred registration procedure;
(6)Those who have engaged in academic dishonesty, plagiarism, or falsification of research results;
(7) Those who voluntarily apply for withdrawal;
(8) Those who engage in anti-China speech oractivitiesduring their enrollment, with serious consequences;
(9) Those who seriously violatetherulesof universityor laws of China and are given punishments beyond detention;
(10) Those who fail to pay tuitionfees, accommodation fees, insurance fees, and other related fees on time;
(11)Other circumstances where withdrawal is deemed necessary.
Article 28Graduate students who are expelled from the university will not be eligible for resumption of studies. Graduate students who have studied for one academic year or more and are subsequently expelled will be issuedincompletion certificates. The university can provide a transcript upon request. Graduate students who have studied for less than one academic year will receive a descriptive certificates of studyand a transcript.
Article 29Scholarship recipients who are expelled will have their scholarships and related benefits suspended from the date of the withdrawal notice. If a scholarship recipient is expelled for reasons other than force majeure, the university has the right to recover the scholarship already granted.
Article30Graduate students who wish to voluntarily withdraw from the university must go through the withdrawal procedures after receiving approval from the university.
Decisions on the withdrawal of graduate students are made by the Executive Committee of the University or a special committee authorized by the President. The university will issue a withdrawal notice to the graduate student. If the graduate student refuses to accept it, the decision can be delivered through other means, such as being held in custody. If the student has already left the campus, the decision can be delivered by mail. If contact is difficult, the decision can be announced through the university's online platforms such as the campus network or WeChat. The announcement will be effective 30 days from the announcement date, and after this period, it will be considered delivered.
Article 31Graduate students who disagree with the decision to withdraw can appeal to the university followingtheRegulations for Appeals by Students of HebeiGEOUniversity.
Article 32Graduate students who are expelled from the university must complete the procedures for leaving the university and changing their residence permit within one week from the effective date of the withdrawal decision and leave the campus and the country within the specified time.
Article 33Graduate students who complete the educational and teaching plan specified within the stipulated study period, achieve satisfactory grades, pass the thesis (degree) defense, and meet the Chinese language proficiency requirements, will be granted graduation. The university will issue a graduation certificate before their departure. For those who meet the conditions for a degree, the university will confer a degree certificate.
Graduate students who complete the educational and teaching plan specified ahead of time and pass the thesis (degree) defense can apply for early graduation. With the agreement of their supervisors, they can apply for approval from the International Education Exchange Center. The minimum study period for early graduation of graduate students must not be less than 2 years.
Article 34Graduate students who complete the educational and teaching plan specified within the university's stipulated study period but fail to meet the graduation requirements will be granted completion status. The university will issue a completion certificate. The university will not accept applications for graduation or degree conferment from students who have completed their studies but did not meet the requirements for graduation.
Article 35Graduate students who are expelled will receive a certificate ofincompletionora descriptive certificates of study.
Article 36Graduate students who extend their study period need to renew their residence permit, purchase insurance, and pay the relevant fees for the extended study period in accordance with the regulations.
Article 37The university strictly follows the educational type and learning mode determined at the time of admission, as well as the personal information filled out during enrollment, to issue diplomas, degree certificates, and other academic certificates.
If graduate students need to change the personal information on their certificates, such as name ordateof birth, they must provide reasonable and sufficient reasons and submit legally valid supporting documents. The university will review the authenticity of the documents.
Article 38The university implements an electronic registration management system for academic records and degrees. It improves the management methods for academic records and degrees and completes graduate students' academic record and degree electronic registration in a timely manner according to relevant regulations.
Article 39For those who have obtained admission or student status through violations of national enrollment regulations, the university will cancel their student status and will not issue diplomas or degree certificates. For those who have already received diplomas or degree certificates, the university will revoke them in accordance with the law. For those who have obtained academic certificates or degree certificates through academic dishonesty, plagiarism, cheating, or other improper means, the university will revoke the certificates in accordance with the law.
If academic certificates or degree certificates have already been registered, the university will cancel the registration and announce their invalidity in accordance with education administrative authorities.
Article40In cases of loss or damage of diplomas or degree certificates, graduate students can apply for a correspondingstatementafter the university verifies the information. Thestatementhas the same effect as the original certificate.
Article 41This regulation shall take effect from the date of promulgation. In the case of conflicts between the provisions of this regulation and those of superior departments, the regulations of the superior department shall prevail. In case of revisions to relevant university regulations, the new revised documents will be followed.
Article 42The International Education Exchange Center of HebeiGEOUniversity is responsible for interpreting this regulation.