Ⅰ. General Principles
In order to attract outstanding international students and stimulate the students’enthusiasm for studying, Hebei GEO University set the International Students’Scholarship (hereinafter referred to scholarship), according to the scholarship regulations issued by the education department of Hebei Province, to reward those all-rounded students. The judgement of the scholarship will seriously base on the principles of equality, equity and open.
Ⅱ.Basic Qualification
(1)The measurement is accessible to all the International students studying in Hebei GEO University.
(2)International students who meet the following items can participate in the evaluation:
1)Obey the laws of P.R.China and the regulations of Hebei GEO University, without serious violation of regulations;
2) With excellent academic performance, pass all the exams or pass the makeup exams;
3) Pay all the fees on time, such as tuition fee, registration fee, dormitory fee, insurance fee, book fee, residence permit fee, etc.
Ⅲ. Categories of Scholarship and Granting
There are two categories of scholarship: Master Scholarship and Bachelor Scholarship.
The amount of scholarship is decided according to the fund given by the government each year.
Ⅳ.Evaluation and Granting Method
The university founds the evaluation group of International Students Scholarship to be in charge of the evaluation. The group leader is the president in charge, and the members include International Education Exchange Center, Graduate School, the schools of the students, Education Affairs Department, Financial Department and the directors of the schools.
奖学金评审采用留学生上一学年度学习成绩及平时表现综合量化排名的办法,其中课程考试成绩占70% ,平时表现占30%。在课程考试成绩和平时表现的基础上,为鼓励留学生积极参与学校文体活动和严格考勤纪律,给予加减分。
2.Evaluation Method
The university will evaluate the scholarship of last academic year on the basis of students academic and daily performance. Exam results accounts for 70% and daily performance accounts for 70% . In order to attract students to take part in extracurricular activities and follow the regulations, related items will add or minus accordingly on the final result.
1)The students should fill in the application form and submit it to International Education Exchange Center.
2)International Education Exchange Center evaluate the documents and submit a preliminary list of the scholarship winner to the scholarship evaluation group.
3)The evaluation group check the material and give the final list of the owner.
4)The final list will be displayed for five working days. During the period, if anyone has objections, the evaluation group will review the material again and give the final decision.
4.Granting Method
The scholarship will be transfer to the Chinese bank account of the scholarship-winners. Please bring your bank card and register your information at International Education Exchange Center on time.
Ⅴ. Others
(1)Students with one of the following conditions will be disqualified from the scholarship evaluation:
a.Violation of Chinese laws or regulations;
b.Violation of the regulations of Hebei GEO University with serious consequences;
c.Failing the exam and failing to pass in the resit;
d.Having received Warning or higher punishment and have not been withdrew;
e.The number of absence (including asking for leave) reach 15% of the whole class hour during one semester;
f.Staying out of campus and absence during non-holiday period (serious illness and reasonable leave is not included) for over 5 (including 5 days) working days.
g.Cannot reach the requirement of graduation and fail to graduate on time.
h.Fail to pay all the fees on time.
i.Other violations.
(2)Before receiving the scholarship, if the student on the scholarship name list is found to violate the law or the regulations seriously and get punishment, or the student transfers, withdraws, or conducts other activities that are regarded by the evaluation group as misconduct, the university has the right to disqualify the student from the scholarship.
(3)This administrative measurement become effective from the date of issue. International Education Exchange Center reserves the right to interpret all the items above.