1.我承诺在上述外出期间,遵守中华人民共和国法律,并为我自身的安全负责。若在限期内无法返校,需及时向主管老师续假。 2.如在请假后未按时返校且无法取得联系时,学校将如实上报至出入境管理局,我承担其后果并申请取消居留许可。 1. I promise to abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China and to be responsible for my own safety during theleave. If cannot return to school within the time limit,Imust renewmyleave to the teacher in charge. 2. If I fail to return to school on time aftermyleavepermitand cannot be contacted, the schoolshalltruthfully reportthe casesto the Exit and Entry Administration, and Ishall bear therelatedconsequences and apply for cancellation ofmyresidence permit. 签字Signature: 日期Date: |